Military Belts And Military Berets For Cyprus Army

Home ~ Project ~ Military Belts And Military Berets For Cyprus Army

Cyprus Costume Project

Cyprus Costume Project

We DEEKON GROUP supplied the military products to Cyprus Army since 2017. Tender named “FRAME AGREEMENT TENDER G.L. 13/2016” is valid for the years 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021. Our company supported military clothing, headwear and tactical equipment, including army woolen pullovers, military berets, army caps, military belts and traveling bags.

Since we got this tender, we confirmed all the details with our customers, such as the yarn count for fabric, color fastness to sunlight, wool counts, PH value and many other items, trying to get the tests passed at one time. Because all the products color fastness to sunlight need to achieve 4-5 level. We used the imported fuel, finally all our products has good color fastness. Meantime, the chemical AZO is less than 30pm which is required by European standard for all our products.

Finally, because of our responsible attitude for this order, we finished all the products on time and pasted for all test. Cyprus army is satisfied with our products.


Cyprus Costume Project
  • Customer Information

  • Name ***
    Date 2017
    Country Cyprus
    End User Department Cyprus Army
    Delivery Date 60 days
    Shipping Time 40 days by sea shipping
  • Project Quantity
    Traveling bags 10400 PCS
    Military belts 12800 PCS
    Berets 8000 PCS
    Army caps 21000 PCS
    Pullovers 3000 PCS